About Us
TEC Pvt. Ltd. - Highest performing Industrial Consultancy Firm
Welcome to the dynamic journey of Technology Exchange and Coordination (Pvt.) Ltd. (TEC), an engineering consultancy established in 1992 by Engr. Siddiq-Ur-Rehman Rana (China) Flt.Lt. (Retd). We work from Project Identification Till Boiler Firing.
TEC, have set up greenfield trend setting multi-billion investment Soda Ash, Ethanol, Hydrogen peroxide chemical plants and a total of 23 projects. Recognised as the highest-performing industrial consultancy in the country, we take pride in our innovative four-pillar approach: Mainframe from China, High tech from G20, local fabrication, and Professionals' role from feasibility till production.
TEC - Engineering Consultants specialise in setting up new mega Industrial Projects, Industrial Zones, or SEZ from feasibility study till commercial production. Our services encompass Project Identification, Technical and Financial Feasibility Studies, preparation of equipment and know-how packages and supervision till commercial production.
Our focus is setting up export-led futuristic industry based on major crops and scaling up consultancy services by setting up Industry Resource Centre (BKIT) & IT/ICT tower:
Corn/Maize-based 20 Bio Projects: for Pharma, Food, Feed, Packaging, Chemicals, Environment sectors individuality and Eco Industrial Park by developing synergy of all the relevant sectors.
Sugarcane-based 25 Projects: Pioneering innovation in agro value added Bio industrial projects & Eco industrial park.
Setting up "Industry Resource Centre" - BKIT: Bank/Finance, Knowledge, ICT/IT, and training under one roof for ease of doing business at Sundar Industrial Estate with front office at IT/ICT tower at Defence Road Lahore.
Setting up "ICT/IT Tower" at Defence Road with back office at Sundar Industrial Estate.
We specialise in business with China, technology transfer, sourcing equipment manufacturers,blending high tech from G20, effective communication and project implementation. We bring economy, reliability, efficiency, and smooth execution Our services, ranging from Project Identification to Technical Feasibility Studies, preparing equipment package sourcing manufacturers to converting ideas into thriving industrial ventures.

TEC Profile
TEC - Engineering Consultant specializes in setting up green field projects, industrial zones or SEZ from Feasibility study till commercial production. TEC also Specialize in Business with China sourcing manufacturers & R&D institutes in China, hybrid equipment by blending components from G20, Transfer & adaptation of technology and upgrading existing industry, SMEs & Setting up new industries
1990 till to date heading Technology Exchange & Coordination (Pvt.) Ltd. (The highest performance Industrial Consultancy in the country):
Have presented “Road map for win win CPEC industrial cooperation” to top 500 companies club at Pak Embassy Beijing and at 5 provinces in China.
Have set up Rs. billion plus investment chemical projects Soda Ash, Ethanol, H2O2 and Punjab have only these mega projects since last 30 years. Overall, 23 industrial units.
Working on setting up 21 st Century Industrial Park SEZ, at 4 pillar model for biotechnology projects. Mainly maize and sugarcane based bio products along with “Knowledge value chain” .
Govt. policy input, FTA and “Economic strategy with China” for Ministry of commerce, Govt. of Pakistan in 2005. UNDP funding.
Five knowledge products regarding SME growth registered with IPO Pakistan. BKIT, Knowledge shop, SME Smart banking, SPM, IFPS.
Knowledge value chain at 4 pillars; 4.0, AI, IoT (Digitalization), Applied research (R&D institutes, Basic research (Academia) Implementation (BDSP, Knowledge shop, Knowledge corridor, LMM)
Have set up “SME Development Center” with SME Business support Fund (Ministry of Finance) in public-private partnership
Introduced four pillar approach in setting up new industry: Main frame from China, High tech from G20, local fabrication and Professional’s role.
Deployed Youth program internee 4 batches; 80, 300, 500, 1200, 10. Setting up “Industry Resource Center” BKIT (Banks/Financial Org, Knowledge shop, ICT/IT, Training) under one roof.
1978-1980 - Worked in the design department of Heavy mechanical Complex Taxila
1981-1983 - Worked with Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation as incharge of operation, maintenance and utilities at Salt and Coal mines. Successfully managed the efficiency enhancement of the old equipment
1983-1990 - Worked with Pakistan Air Force engineering branch
1983-1986 - Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Kamra (Upgrading the performance and accuracy of production facilities by arranging overhauling of the equipment and Organizing on-the-job training system)
1986-1990 - PAF Base Faisal (102 MU) - The biggest engineering set up
Graduation in Engineering: China - 1978 (North East Engineering University)
Chinese language Course: Beijing - China
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2008-2009): Executive committee corporate class member, Founding
Chairman: Pak–China Economic Relations, LCCI, FPCCI, Punjab. -
Founding Convener (Since 1999): Pak – China, ASEAN Economic relations standing committee
Executive Director
BSc Hons Biotechnology from Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) - Double Gold Medalist
A Level
O Level
Extra Curricular:
Served as the Vice President of Earth Watch Club and Pakistan Climate Chapter (Climate Action Society University College London FCCU Chapter)
Participated in COP in my City Pakistan Program
Working At TEC Pvt. Ltd.:
Preparing feasibilities such as Maize based Ethanol 40, 000 t/y and 60, 000 t/y
Developing Industry Resource Centre focusing on Maize and sugarcane-based industrial projects and Eco-Industrial Park.
IT Director
BSc Hons Computer Science - Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)
A Level
O Level
6th position nationwide, and 1st place in Lahore District, as well as a 2 Star Badge in the IBIC - International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking.
Ranked 1st in competition at INTI International University, Malaysia
Runner up - INOVA LUMS
Served as the Director Photography and Host of Earth Watch Club and Pakistan Climate Chapter (Climate Action Society University College London FCCU Chapter)
Participated in UI/UX at Softech, NUCES (FAST)
Head Emissary at Chiraagh
Co-Director IT & Executive member - Bunyaad
Director IT - TEC
1991-92 Pencil Plant Syed Engineers
1992 Buses Project Rana Motors Ltd.
1992-93 116 Buses Prime Minister (Public Transport scheme)
1994 Citric Acid Feasibility Sikrand Sugar
1995 Aircraft Tyre Panther Tyre
1995 Mineral Based Projects Sarhad Development
1995-97 Soda ash Olympia
2000 Non-Woven Fabric Project Prince Group
2000 Feasibility for pad & Diaper Habib Sugar Karachi
2000 Sanitary ware, Tiles, Brick Plant for Africa SKB
2001 Assembling of Microwave Oven Kentax Sirgroh Ltd.
2001 Glass Project Rachna Glass
2002 Tunneling Machines Bunny's Limited
2002 Lubra Strip Project Treet Corp. Ltd.
2002-05 Industrial Alcohol Premier Industrial Chemical Manuf.
2003 Coal fired power Feasibility ICI Pakistan Limited
2004–05 H2O2 Project Descon
2004-05 Soda Ash Feasibility Azgards
2004-05 Soda Ash Feasibility Nishat Chunian
2005 Gree AC DWP Group
2005 Strategy regarding Economic Relations with China Ministry of Commerce Govt of Pakistan - Asian Development Bank
2014-15 Food & Vegetables exports to China Bunny's Ltd.
2014-16 CPEC-SEZ along ML-2 FWO
2016-17 Fruit & Vegetable processing Bunny's Limited
2016-17 Syndicate Adviser Civil Services Academy
2019-20 Soda Ash Feasibility Engro
2020-21 Setting up SEZ FWO Group
2020-21 Feasibility Maize Based Ethznol DDGS Project SKB